Looking for Lead Vocalist + Guitarist/Keys


New member
Hello people of SOFT,

As mentioned above, my band Ashdown is currently looking for a new vocalist + guitarist and/or keyboards! Our sound is pretty rojak, but along the lines of indie pop punk/alternative (You would have to play with us to find out!). Bands we grew up listening/playing would namely be Yellowcard, blink-182 and Muse. We have a total of 5 pretty solid originals. You may want to check some of them out at our super old myspace, www.myspace.com/ashdownband

Though we have been playing for about 5 years now, we are nontheless young people (ages 19 - 22) looking to have fun making good music. Having said that, we hope to find someone who can inject life in our band, and have creativity in terms of songwriting.

Any queries, please do not hesitate to add me up, Chris, on facebook or msn, cbhy8@hotmail.com
