Looking for J'Rock 1 Vocalist, 1 Guitarist & 1 Pianist. Anyone interested?


New member
Our band only have 3 musician currently. 1 guitarist, 1 bassist, 1 drummer(Me). But lack of vocalist. & would like to have another guitarist and pianist to make our music sounds better :)

Is there any Male vocalist, guitarist, pianist out there interested to join our band?

We concentrate more on J'Rock songs, sometimes abit of Pop and Soft-Rock too.

The next song we're practicing to improve on ourselves is "The Revenant Choir" from Versailles.

If you're interested, please PM me or send me a message on my facebook account. Cheers

These are some of the videos from our jamming session:

Gazette - Cassis (Cover)

Gazette - Guren (Cover)

Gazette - Silly God Disco (Cover)

Songs composed by ourselves
BlackLace黑蕾丝(新创作) -失去的爱 by 彬(Bassist)
www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=112400952141547#!/video/video.php?v=108681052513537 kirobi

BlackLace黑蕾丝(新创作) - [你知道吗?我爱你] by Yunikai(Guitarist)

Feel free to add me on my facebook and check out more video from us.

My facebook account: www.facebook.com/jae.rui

If my privacy settings prevent you from viewing those videos.

Please view our facebook page for those videos.....follow the link provided below

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