Looking for heavy metal guitarist


Looking for a committed, experienced and versatile guitarist who is able to play lead and rhythm. We prefer your age to be around the early 20s to fit our age group. Currently we are an experienced and young 4 piece band with a diverse music influences of heavy/thrash/glam/black/death power and whatever that is metal (nothing else). We are currently focusing on traditional heavy metal for our originals with the likes of Dio, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, King Diamond, etc. Our aim is to bring back traditional heavy metal which is quite rare in our Singapore metal scene dominated with mostly thrash/black/death metal bands.

Interested guitarists can leave me a sms @ 9-one-72-one-27-one. Please do not message me if you only have mediocre skills as we had auditioned guitarists who claimed that they can play like Dimebag / Kerry King / Marty Friedman and end up either tone deaf or they just suck at playing the guitar.

Death to all but metal!

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