Looking for Female Keyboardist for Jpop band!


New member
Hi all, I know its rather weird to find a female keyboardist though gender doesn't matter, but it would be better if the band have a mix gender, and she could entertain our female vocal. :3

So yea, Age range about 17~22.

We're influenced by , K-ON!, Scandal, UVERworld, Aya Hirano, Girls Dead Monster, and bands like that.

So, hope to find a female keyboardist and we can add more songs into our setlist :)

Add me on MSN(Preferred) or Email me or Text me for more details of the band.

Number : 82225049
Email : Roy_Koh93@hotmail.com
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Why not proceed without a keyboardist or just have another guitarist? You don't have to cover the songs exactly like the original, you can do your own arrangement of it... for example, one of my J-rock bands does the opposite, our keyboardist covered the guitar lines in songs that need two lead guitars. While on the other hand, another band that I'm in, we have a guitarist covering the keyboard lines wherever possible.
Hi Requiems, Thanks and I really appreciate your advise but however, my band and I would prefer to have a keyboardist as part of the band which will of course, make our song sound more "Correct", so hopefully I will find the perfect keyboardist for my band. P.S Cheers to Jpop/rock :)
Wow...still looking?This thread is going on forever...i have tried to look for a keyboardist (fem)
But seems like none are willing to come out...esp on soft forums...Gd luck finding ;D
Good Luck :O Wish i can help but im just like 14 and i don't really know much about keyboard even though im really interested and willing to learn :)