Looking for Electric guitarist for Casual Band


Hi! We are a casual band playing chinese and english slow rock songs/pop songs just for fun. Some examples of our songs will be Mayday songs (五月天).

We're looking for an electric guitarist to play Rhythm Guitar with us. We jam about once every 2 weeks in a studio (or more if possible) and split the cost ($10-$20 each) for 3 hours session. Most likely playing on weekends (likely Sunday) between 4pm-9pm (tbc). The keys of the songs will be set beforehand, so members can prepare before the session.

We're looking for:
- Electric guitarist to play Rhythm Guitar
- Ages 20-35 (just an estimate)
- Available on weekends (especially Sundays between 4pm-9pm, but not fixed yet)

If you're interested, please contact me at 91517750.
Thank you,
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