Looking for drummer


New member
Hey folks,

We're Grave Silence and we play melodic death genre. As the title says, we're looking for a new drummer as our drummer has left e
band due to work and study commitments(bro if ur reading this, all the best and blessings for ur future endeavors!!!)

Anyway, do check us out for an idea of how we sound like, here's the links:

reverbnation: http://www.reverbnation.com/gravesilence
myspace: http://www.myspace.com/gravesilenceband
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Grave-Silence/114464635288356

Grave Silence will have a new sound now, as we're toning down just a little bit(less double pedal and blast beats), just to make way for the new drummer(might be you if ur interested to join us). Would prefer if your age range is between 21 to 25, completed NS and most importantly, committed to the band, cuz we do hangout alot like best friends, heh.

Hit me a reply or pm me, i'll get back to u guys the soonest. \m/