Looking for DRUMMER (Jpop Band)


New member
Urgently looking for a replacement drummer with decent to experienced skill in drumming (Jpop music)
-require commitment on weekends sat or sun
-non NSF liable player for Singaporeans
-age group 20-29yrs
-able to commit to gig and projects for long term
-gig experience and Japanese language proficiency level *plus point

(would send you songlist and ect when you fit our bill)

interested party please email me: effectors@rocketmail.com
and i will get in touch with you immediately!
Urgently looking for a replacement drummer with decent to experienced skill in drumming (Jpop music)
-require commitment on weekends sat or sun
-Singaporean (non NSF liable player) / Japanese
-Male or Female welcome!
-age group 20-29yrs
-able to commit to gig and projects for long term
-gig experience and Japanese language proficiency level *plus point

(would send you songlist and ect when you fit our bill)

interested party please email me: effectors@rocketmail.com
and i will get in touch with you immediately!