Looking for Drummer and Bassist for band


New member
24y/o male Guitarist looking for bassist for psychedelic/post-rock/shoegaze/ambient sort of stuff.

(Drummer found already, but let me know if you're still interested since clashes in schedules might still cause things to fall through)

Keyboardists/pianists welcome too. Even more so if you have classical training/background.

Influences include Pink Floyd, Radiohead, MBV, Slowdive, Sigur Ros, Talk Talk, Eno, Tame Impala, Sonic Youth, ゆらゆら帝国, きのこ帝国, Mass of the Fermenting Dregs etc.

Currently in last semester of University before graduating come mid year, so would like to start on some things before it gets too late, so if you're in the same plight it would be nice if we got together =).

Direction could turnout to be anything from simple weekly jams to writing originals, depending on the level of commitment each of us can put in.

Contact at 81818012 or just pm me if interested, thanks.

p.s I'm largely available for jam sessions only on Weeknights as i am busy on weekends.