Looking for Creative M85-D Monitors in Singapore


New member
Hey guys,

I'm looking to purchase a set of these basic monitors in Singapore, as they are unavailable here in Australia. I've tried emailing the offical Creative site numerous times without response, so wish to purchase them from some other dealer in Singapore - problem is I don't know where to start - who is reputable, etc.

If any of you could point me in a safe direction, I would be most appreciative.

Good musci to you all,

Mezcal Sonics Pty. Ltd.
Thanks guys - I checked that thread already & couldn't find any details regarding that shop on the web. mezcal.
Yo mezcal,

Sim lim shops does not provide a serice where u can buy their goods online. They dun do shipping also.

Think would be much cheaper if u could purchase over there then to ship one over from singapore. Warrenty issue also.


Thanks for the reply Mike,

unfortunately Creative don't offer these speakers down here & if they did they would be at least double the Singapore RRP.

If anyone knows any other retailers that might ship o/s please let me know! Cheers,
