Looking for Christian Musician to jam....


New member
Hey,I am a 21 year old guitarist looking for people to jam with.I am looking for people who are also not just musician but also passionate.maybe when we are tied down or something then we will write our own orginals

I will need a...
Drummer(one who can keep time well.Know how to flow with the band)
Bassist(one who will play together with the drummer)
Guitarist(someone who will not treat a worship song as a metal guitar ballad or playing unnecessarily)
Acoustic guitarist(Preferably a female)
Singer(If there's any)

If u are interested just PM me and give me a brief intro of yourself. God bless.
I still need a female vocalist,a bassist and a drummer!!is there anyone of u guys who are avaliable???just pm me and a brief intro of yourself there?it will be good if u can leave a contact number..thanks!God bless!
Hi there i'm a bassist and im interested to be involved. I love playing worship songs, jazz, pop and anything that can be considered light music. haha and Yes I know the importance of playing with the drums. I play the flute and the electone, both of which i am very seasoned in.
would love to hear from you soon