Looking for christian band members


New member
Hi, yea forming a christian band.

These are the positions I am lookking for:
Drummer: Either me or someone else
Bassist: Either me or someone else
E.gutiar: _____
A.guitar: Filled
Keyboard: _____
Vocalist: Filled

Yup, I am looking for electric guitarist, keyboardist, and either drumer or bassist.

Interested do contact me 94379559
I would hazard a guess. I think mostly Christian rock such as Hillsong, or 'pop' such as Chris Tomlin/Darlene Zcsech (sp?)/Lincoln Brewster etc.
hi im interested too
17 this year
Played electric guitar for 4 years,
Drums for 1 1/2 years.
have previous gig experiences and composition experince.
Really interested in forming a christian band. (if possible, a christian rock band, like Skillet, Fireflight, Planetshakers)
Contact me here


PS: It'd be a great plus point should you guys decide to be a christian rock band. I'm not as good in soft stuffs as compared to Rock/ Metal genres. Thanks

I'm interested in taking up the bassist position. My main influences are Planetshakers, Hillsong and Youth Alive. Do PM me. Thanks!
Guitarist interested in joining Christian Rock Band

I'm interested to join as a guitarist if the position is still empty. My style is more towards clssic rock and blues and I bring elements of that into worship and christian music. I like to improvise on the go and would love to be part of a christian rock band where others have a similar motivation to their music. I can do a wide range of musical styles on the guitar and can bring elements of each type into christian music.
I want to join, but now I'm still young; I'm now 18 year old; can play elctric guitar n I'm quite good in it.
But now I'm having skool. And I'm going in the army soon. How ahh?
What about Planetshaker, Christian city Church, Deluge Band, David Crowder Band, Desperation Band, Gateway Worship, City Harvest Church, Tim Hughes n Kristian Stanfill