Looking for Bassist !


New member
Looking for Bassist. Anyone interested , please do text me a message or e-mail. Our band only has a Lead guitarist , Rhythm guitarist , Vocalist and Drummer. We all started not long ago but we need more members to jam more songs. We are all friendly and not cocky. We're all amateurs still , but we really are willing to learn. So join us and i'm sure we'll have alot of fun together. Here's my number and e-mail.
98380543 & xtsubasa@live.com . I look forward to any new members :p
Gender doesn't matter and our age range is from 13 to 19.
Even though you can't play very well , we won't mind as long you're willing to learn.
Genre of the songs we play are different everytime. We allow each other to pick the songs to play for the day. But mostly are japanese songs or chinese songs.
If you don't mind , we don't care about race also. As long you're willing to play , anything is possible !
Hope you'll be bold enough to take up this chance and join in the fun.
We just started about 6 months ago ? We're aiming towards Gazette.
We're all amateurs , so let's learn together! :)
Hope to hear from you guys soon !!

http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/...?id=1800765538 add me in facebook if you want :D