Looking for bassist for an alt/ prog band


We're looking for a long term bassist. Since the band has only 1 guitar and bass, bassist should be decent in playing fills as well as normal basslines since guitar/ bass can and will switch roles at times. If you fulfill these conditions feel free to try out..
1) Can play by ear.
2) Able to play naturally over odd time signatures.
3) And of course like what we play, have a good attitude and can commit to the band.

Hard to explain what we play so here are some links (both are originals), band page is in my sig:
Perfidious: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoAsRqJBirk
Lullaby: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sdtv0oyPXw

Songs that will be played at auditions will be the ones above, 15 step by radiohead and another original that I will send via email.

SMS me at 97859212 if you're interested. Will be a + if you can sing backing vocals or play other instruments.