looking for band/artist to record for free [READ FIRST]


New member
hello softies,
i'm currently looking for artists/bands that are interested to record their songs/demos for free. please note that i'm ONLY looking for ACOUSTIC. but it's NOT LIMITED to only acoustic band. I'd also love to record an acoustic version for those full bands who already have an original. so anything is fine as long it's acoustic. :)

Teh recording is going to be at my place. i'll provide a midi keyboard, all the mics, and one acoustic guitar. although it'll be better if you guys bring your own instruments if you'd like to.

the reason for doing this is simply to help out those bands who want to get an acoustic version of their song recorded and also to improve my recording and mixing skills. so don't get your hopes too high coz im still nowhere near roland lim :rolleyes:

So, if anyone interested, please email me at finderkeeper@live.com with a title "RECORD:*yournamehere*".

also, please put all the details like the band/artist's myspace/youtube/wateverlink where i can go listen to the song that you're going to record. i'd prefer if you can attach it on the email tho...

ps: please don't pm me as i don't open soft everyday.
cheers :p
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