Looking for a serious KEYBOARDIST (album recorded, performances lined up)


Active member
Hi to all interested personnel. I'm from a band called Atlas and we are relatively new since forming in the beginning of the year.

We are a 6-piece band (well, including the keyboardist) and our originals have an indie, alternative and a little post-rock influence. Basically we have our own sound that I can't really describe.
We've played a few shows already and our album has already been recorded; currently it is being mixed. Our keyboardist is leaving for further studies this weekend so we're hoping to find a replacement.

We need people that can play to the music, adding ambience to the sound, and at least know your chords and not play random notes. Not all our songs will be keyboard driven, so we need patient people who know when it's best to sit behind the mix, or shine at the front; not note-hungry people that wants to be on top all the time. If we want to work well as a band, there's a time for every instrument to come forth, or sit back. Practicing this is golden.
You should have your own equipment as well (bad experience with those that didn't). If you don't we can still discuss about the matter.

If you're interested, contact me at 90113112 or PM me with your details. Any videos you find online of the band is with a previous vocalist so don't be surprised if the line-up is different from the clips circulating.