Looking for a place to record my band's EP ( 4 song ) !


New member
Hi guys,

I'm looking for a place to record my band very own 4 songs. Genre are mostly rock kinda song with high gain. Not metal, not hardcore. Just pure rock/solo/riff/harmony and stuffs. I hope you guys can get me a good recommendation of studio.

Main point here, most studio in Singapore charge PER HR. I want someone who charge PER PROJECT. Like for my band, a total of 4 songs plus mixing/mastering and 1 Master CD. How much will that be altogether ? I hope you guys get what I mean. Because I don't want to rush things out when doing recording. That happens if we record by PER HR not PER PROJECT.

You guys can put your comments/advice here. Thank you guys !!

as for per song rate, I hear Cedric of Inversion studios do charge per song you need to contact him personally to confirm

the reason why studios don't charge per song is cos if you recorded 3 songs, one is 2 min, one is 5 min and one is 10 mins long. at $300/song , wouldn't it be shortchanging the studio to record the 10 min one , and ripping you off for the one at 2min

so the practise I do with bands is after recording drums on day 1 I send them the mp3 of the drums to rehearse finalize all instruments. day 2 (a week later maybe) , record guitar guitar bass confidently, then send the vocalist to hear and practise, come in day 3 for a karaoke session.thats it.
It is not easy for studio to charge by project. Sometime 2 min song take 2 hour, or 10 min take 3 hour. You can take forever to record a song. That why studio don't do by project(in your case). But I think studio should able to work up a time package.
well... try talk to studio operators. some of them might be able to help.
for me, I don't really think charging per projects is good for the engineers unless the projects is guide by a producer that know how to handle the project. if not, the album might just be in production for the duration of (5 years)...
It doesn't make much sense to do a per-project pricing unless the studio/engineer knows the band well and the way they play/track etc.

However, there are options available if budget is an issue - maybe get your drums sampled instead of tracked, home-record your guitars etc, and spend the money saved on the mix and other aspects which you may not be too confident doing on your own.
Just saw this - maybe you already found some place, but incase you didn't and you're still looking - give us a call - we can do "package" deals (although with some max studio usage stipulations). You're looking for "rock" ? we've worked with Richie Sambora (Bon Jovi) as well as top Malaysian rock bands such as "Search", "Headwind" etc as well as local Singapore Rock "institutions" like Ramli Sarip, "Heritage" etc.

Call Lion Studios - 64734677 or 64734527 - ask for John

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