Looking for a new bass amp


New member
Hi all,

I am looking for a good bass amp to accompany my Fender Mexican Deluxe Active Jazz Bass. My budget is $200. Don't really matter if it is a second hand bass amp as long as it is in good working condition. Any good deals or suggestions?

if it's used, you just wait and see what the cat drags in :)

if it's brand new, personally i would recommend the peavey microbass or ibanez soundwave, and just maybe... hartke. hartke's a decent manufacturer but i have been far from convinced by the performance of the a25, which would probably be what you're looking at. though for brand new, it would be hard to meet that budget.

perhaps used amps of those models would be what you want
if you can fork out a little more, I would recommend the Yamaha F20B amp, which is quite in your budget.

I owned one and it gives this deep, clear bass sound which i am extremely happy with. I sold it away only because I bought myself a Hartke 3500A amp head + Hartke 410xl speakers.

If i didn't upgrade to a seperate head + cabinet configuration, I would still choose the Yamaha F20B to others in that price range. I tested a few before deciding on the Yamaha.
i used to own a laney 25-watter and a yamaha f20b for awhile

both didn't cut it for me. no clarity at all and i felt that the preamp sections of both were pretty redundant. so try before you buy, if possible
get a Ashdown from ranking. It's the best at your budget IMO.

Still, you got to try before buying. Bring your bass down and try and try and try and try and try...

haha, you get the idea.