Looking for a casual jam buddy/band


New member
Hi all, I'm looking for people to play music with so that we may learn things from each other. When I was in a band, my progress was much faster and now it has dulled quite a bit, so I wish to get the same feeling back again.

I'm an intermediate guitarist and can play by ear to a certain extent. I'm influenced by J-rock/metal (DIR EN GREY, Luna Sea, etc), but am also a big fan of old school rock/metal (Dio, Black Sabbath, GNR) and alt rock bands (Oasis, Radiohead). However I'm open to all genres of music. Here's my youtube page for a gauge of my competency: https://www.youtube.com/user/XrosseGrave

I live in the East (Changi area) and am currently in NS (Stay-out unit in Navy). Less duty days and sailing days, I'm available any day of the week. My ORD is in 5 months and after that, I hope to get more serious regarding music.

Hoping to meet like minded people and do PM me if you're interested!