Loldude here bodyguards will grab u guys and whack u instead :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: HAHAHAHAHA(i'm not so rich lah,joking only)
hehhs..bodyguards are useless.wakaka.for im Lord Satan and everything crumbles in my hands. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
yy_fuctup said:
hehhs..bodyguards are useless.wakaka.for im Lord Satan and everything crumbles in my hands. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

wtf i thought it's established that i AM satan?!

satan is in ALL of in our hearts..the voice in our head.

u are not satan..u are juz his minions! :twisted:

take ur wretched kind and bask in the moon's curse.and return to where u came from..nowhere. :lol:
count me in,girls! :lol:

i noe juz how to make his parents dance to our tune..its all in the mind.
i cannot guarantee he'll return home in one piece tho..

well if he dies..his parents can always have anuder child for us to kidnap. :wink: