LOL WTF Threads Of The Day

What Is Wrong With This Picture? Guess!

Gas Mask Bra Honoured With IgNobel Prize


The gas mask bra can be easily fitted to any passer-by.


Dr. Elena Bodnar triumphantly holds her winning bra aloft

British researchers also win award for their work on giving cows names
By TOM PHILLIPS - Friday, October 2, 2009

Engineers who invented a bra that converts into a gas mask, pathologists who determined that beer bottles can crack your skull even when empty, and Irish police officers who mistakenly wrote speeding tickets to somebody called 'Driver's License' were all honoured for their dubious achievments at the IgNobel prizes on Thursday.

Prizes also went to Zimbabwe for issuing banknotes that range in value from one Zimbabwean cent to 100 trillion Zimbabwean dollars, to Mexican scientists who made diamonds out of tequila and to the directors, executives, and auditors of four Icelandic banks that suffered spectacular collapses.

The IgNobel prizes - a cheeky counterpoint to the Nobel prizes awarded every October - are given out by the Harvard-based magazine Annals of Improbable Research.

Gas mask bra iventor Elena Bodnar of Hinsdale, Illinois and her colleagues won the Public Health prize for their patented design: a bra that can be quickly converted into a pair of gas masks, one for the bra-wearer and one to be given to some needy bystander.

The UK's only representatives in the awards were a pair of researchers, Peter Rowlinson and colleague Catherine Douglas of the University of Newcastle, who found that dairy cows who are given names yield more milk than unnamed cows.

A STOMPer's friend was disgusted when the family seated at the table next to hers at Opera foodcourt in Ion allowed their daughter to poop in a potty right in the middle of the place.

Says this STOMPer's friend:

"My friend showed me this photo while she was at Opera foodcourt at Ion.

"It's at about 7 pm on a Saturday, meaning there are a LOT of people and this family of three generations were seated at the table next to her.

"One of the girls' needed to take a dump, so they took out a pot for her to dump in...right in the middle of the foodcourt.

"She said it was damn smelly and gross because she was seated right next to them.

"So uncivilised."

Seriously.. WTF???!!!!! :confused::confused::confused:
^That is seriously WTF. I'm pissed off enough when parents allow their small kids to piss in the middle of housing estates(can't use the toilet upstairs?). We are definitely still very far from being a first world country, despite what people may say. <--THE SINGLISH ANG MOH BOY ALL GROWN UP