Local Schools with Dip/Degrees?


New member
Hi all.

I'm thinking of taking part time courses soon. Just wondering what are some local music schools that offer some diploma/degree in relation to music?

So far on the list only:

SOMA (www.soma.com.sg)

Any other choices or local schools where I can take a look at their courses/diplomas online? Do share please! Thanks.

PS: I don't have a specific area of what I'm interested in, like sound engineering, song writing etc. Just checking out what's available locally, then probably will take a look around more before making my choice. Thanks again!

yo bro! haven't seen you in awhile man. anyways, if you're looking for a part-time course. you should definitely check out soma. however, if you're looking for a full-time course, then locally the only place to go would be the polys or sae bro.

most impt bro, you gotta know what you really want first.
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I would like to know more on:

Soma - is it a good place to start learning how to write songs for films and tv? or would NAFA or Lasalle be a better choice?

Lasalle - Can anyone give me more info on what is being taught for Dip in Popular Music Performance?

Pls PM me (= Thanks
Soma - got friends attend. You are close to those Chinese pop music industry people. Some instructor are in concert tour group.

Nafa - a lot of student come out with professional skill. More toward classical. Job outlook no sure

Lasalle - Got a few good jazz instructor. But course maybe too new.

NUS - strong in classical, but the course maybe too new.

In general, I would say the outcome of the graduate is very not clear. It will take a couple of year to see the results. Even in dip or Degree, many will force to change profession or do freelance.

Also I don't think there are a lot of music job create for the graduate too. I am struggling freelancer too.:mrgreen:
Huh, serious arh? But actually, does a diploma matters to get into the music industry? I think that getting more portfolio is better than getting a diploma. But I have no idea where to start, so I'm trying out for the diploma first.
Huh, serious arh? But actually, does a diploma matters to get into the music industry? I think that getting more portfolio is better than getting a diploma. But I have no idea where to start, so I'm trying out for the diploma first.

If government link then yes! Paper is more important than portfolio. You will have an stable job. It is good to build up portfolio and built up network. Must really get to know people if you wanna enter this industry. You will be surprise there are many road and option. But it is not easy to choose and work with.

However, you need to know what you wanna achieve.
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If government link then yes! Paper is more important than portfolio. You will have an stable job. It is good to build up portfolio and built up network. Must really get to know people if you wanna enter this industry. You will be surprise there are many road and option. But it is not easy to choose and work with.

However, you need to know what you wanna achieve.

sad but true~~~

sometimes its also about the ppl u meet and get to know along the path~
Back to your first. Songwriter, audio recording, music arrangement and guitarist/pianist. There four element are link together. You have to touch guitar or piano in order to write song. That is achievable, but of the time cannot feed you three meal, unless you are working toward an chinese pop artist.You can sell a song as much as $2000 with someone done a very good demo($600-$700 per "sellable"demo) for you. You could be an freelance teacher if you are lucky.If not take on audio recording and music arrangement. Having these four, you could do quite an number of freelance work. You could earn $1000 per post production song that you produce,as a noob. By then you are noob producer. Chinese regional producer demand $50,000 at least per 10 song album, not so say so hidden cost involved.

In order word, if you take two diplomas of the SOMA course, generally you know how the pop/jazz industry work. From what I know SOMA diplomas are crush courses. A number of my friend I know could not take it especially working adults.

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