Local Bands in Singapore


New member
Hey new thread.... what do you guys think of bands around singapore and within singapore... for instance bands such as Kaliyuga, Rudra, Oshiego, Amuk, Cromok, Jihad and the list will go on...
Yeap... kaliyuga and rudra... balls man.... they kick balls!! really good stuff... how many of u guys know this dubai band called nervecell... MAN U GUYS SHOULD TRY EM OUT
There are few more bands like NErve, Deathguy, Heretic Angel from Thailand and some awesome bands from Indonesia like Siksakubur, etc..but to top it all of is RUDRA. No band in this region has accomplished anything like what they have and to think they are still going on strong and opening more doors for all others to follow deserve RESPECT man....!!! Hailz RUDRA...!!!!!
awesome songs man!!!!! cant believe it is from Dubai?? How is the scene there?? IS the band playing any gigs here in Singapore?? Maybe Roy should bring these guys in...guys check this band Deviant out!!!1
Kaliyuga are going to record their 2nd album here in Blackisle next month. And I can't wait!! :D

Last but not least, Rudra are at the tail end of production of the new and improved Kurukshetra.
Some local upcoming bands i like are, Arbitrary Element, Oshiego, Absence Of The Sacred and also Roughcast. I'd like to see Fenrir in action again too..
hmmm dont think so bro AY bro..should be a little longer ago than last yr. coz i havent heard zul talk bout playing with those guys for bout more than 2 yrs already