- The High Court in London ordered Tom & Jerry to remove the injunction in Texas. US law tak pakai in UK.
- The Texas court injunction is removed. Bo-pian...or else the 2 leeches kena charged for contempt of court.
- Apparently, the judge in Texas rebuked fat boy's lawyer for hiding from him the High Court's ruling in London the day before. Case thrown out. Haha!
- Tele-tubby try to "sell" his 50% share to hedge fund company, Mills Financial, hoping to pay off the debt to RBS, meanwhile retaining control of the club and buying for more time. His last desperado attempt.
- RBS refused to accept Mills Financial offer (sibeh heng ah!). Premier League also refused to do the mandatory "ownership test" without proper board of directors approval.
- The 2 faecal matter finally ran out ammunition, conceded defeat, and accepted they are pariahs and parasites of the highest order. Case closed.
- NESV is the new owner. Liverpool Red Sox, here we come!
- However, lard ball and his mini-me buddy want to sue for what they call "epic swindle". They want 1.6b compensation. Epic retards. Their claims are super idiotic and ultra lame, and most likely they got no case at all.
Hopefully the saga ends here. Okey dokey, back to football and scrutinising Roy Hodgson.