live show setup


New member
i'll be hosting an event with some live bands performing.i'm thinking of channelling the guitars and bass(and possibly drums) into the main loudspeakers along with mics instead of seperate amps.problem is i dont have a clue how to do it.can someone explain to me?
hosting a live band event? very good!
First, you should have all the equipment you need. A more advance mixer and amplifiers (both house and monitor) are important, speaker system just ensure the rating is right will do. make sure you have enough monitoring speakers.
If you are not so sure, and also don't have the equipment. My advise to you is to engage music company to do it for you. They will know want to do, and what you need.

must remember that speakers can only handle up to a certain frequency, if you want the bass/drums to come out nicely on the system you may need a subwoofer for that extra lows.

a simple way is to use a DI with a thru option (most D.I.s these days have that option) to channel one signal to the FOH and the thru signal goes to the bass guitar monitor. for the drums you have to see how the drummer wants to hear himself but most of the time drummers want to feel their kick in the system so you can feed the kick through the aux back to the drummers monitor.

well, that's the only way i know for now ...
metaldude, where will you be doing this gig? Do you have list of sound equipment that is available there?

Can better advise if we know what is already there.