List of Guitar shops in singapore


are there any guitar shops in singapore that is obscure? other than the mainstream like davis, swee lee, and all those shops at peninsular etc.. any other shops that u know and maybe others dont know?? please state them here...
most probably you are refering to music schools,music cafes.. they too sells music products...
I noe at marsiling there's dis guitar shop... Its opposite da mosque... Not bad, price r reasonable and cust service is decent...
ZiiopBoii said:
I noe at marsiling there's dis guitar shop... Its opposite da mosque... Not bad, price r reasonable and cust service is decent...
Standard Value. good value..good brands..good shop owner.. :wink:
SpaTanS said:
Got a guitar shop at SimLim ... 3rd floor ... 4got the name thou ... :lol:

esden trading, 03-40.

sells mesa, tech21, kustom amps.

sansamp too.

boutique mics, shure stuff.

dj consoles also