oh well...
Whether you get recognition overseas or here first is not really a choice; if it happens locally first, then it happens, and vice versa lah. =)
If there's something to be said from my short experience, and I'm just putting in my 2cents (well, you guys are talking about me), you can't court your audience by COURTING your audience. Its a weird thing, showing the world your stuff, and balancing it with, its ok, you don't have to like it if you hate it. You can say you don't care, but if a musician doesn't care if people like their stuff, then play for what?
But you know what I mean right? Like posting posters of your own band on myspace as a comment to advertise your gig, after the 378th time, it just becomes a BIT much. But then where is the line? When do you become spam, and when are you promoting yourself? What's too much? Scissor kicks off an amp, too gimmicky? Nah, not if it comes from the heart. So just follow your bloody red pumper lah, dey! I make sense right? right? I hope so.
Its totally contradictory, promoting your own stuff. And I kind of hate it, but that's the way it is, and that's the way it will always be. Put your face out to the world and just pray no one slaps you. Haha. Its weird, put most of the time people tend to be a little more forgiving with your flubs if you are really just sincerely singing a song, in a "I just want to sing it" way, you know?
To be honest, I had a few takes of Larkin Step for YouTube recorded but I put up my very first take because it felt more honest. The rest were much better pitch-wise but they were boring! Because they were just "ok, I need to sing in tune Ineedtosing in tune singintune!" (But of cos you have to stay more or less in tune lah! But damn, those pitchy parts make me cringe so much still. I hate listening to myself. Did I just mention its totally contradictory?)
Musicians still need to put their music out there, and just wait to see if the fish bites. Its like the food court. If your food is good and you can smell the great cooking from a mile away, you think people won't queue up to get it? And who is the first judge of what's good? You as a musician, have the finest filter for what's crap and what's not, so switch on, stay dead-set objective, if you're good then feel good about it, don't hide and shyshy, its not good for health, people! (But then don't be like william hung la...its not good for health either.)
And its not like I'm famous! Please don't say that. "Recognition" for putting my guts out there for people to criticise online is one thing. But "Recognition" for my music...my music is still a long way off from being good. I'm not even sure how the EP will turn out, but man, recording is a god damn lot of hard work. I just hope I worked hard enough for this recording...its almost like putting your face on a huge bus and hoping no one thinks you're ugly and graffitti it all over. (All those rockstars who say, Just be yourself and the world will love you---well they're lying!!)
But about the overseas thing.
Just work hard on the music, and talk about it less. Afterall, which part of music is 'debating' under? =)
After you're done with music and you think it doesn't suck too much (if you asked amanda tee she'd never say, hey I just wrote a great song!) then don't shy! Just put it out there. There MIGHT be a bunch of people who like Scandinavia metal, so there MIGHT be a bunch of people who like, maybe, er...Chinese Metal with lots of electric violins? You never know right.
I didn't.