Line6 Bass Floor POD & Bass Floor PODxt


New member
as the subject goes.
between these 2, which one is more bang for your buck?

i'm considering to buy one of the 2 to be used for gigs and stuff like that.
anyone who has any of these can give a review?
any of these are warmly welcome!

thanks for reading!

get the Floor PodXT LIVE .. seriously if you wanna use it for gigs you wouldn't want to be bending down and turning knobs all the time ..

plus .. if you get the Floor PODxt and buy a external FBV .. it's the same price as the PODxt LIVE ...

the sounds are impressive .. seriously .. side by side with KORG and others . .it beats them hands down .. you've gotta test it out to know what i'm talking about ..

sampling and modelling technology is way better .. very realistic sounds ..
the bass floorpod already has a foot pedal already

yea i get what u mean exin but the pod live xt is really a hella of a big for me to carry around! haha
okay man.. sorry didn't read the header properly ..hahah ..

get the FloorPOD ... compared to the PODxt it's more flexible for live gigging and stuff
Well its really what kind of effects are you looking for. The floorpod has limited effects but its really easy to use. I own the floorpod and pretty much like the compressor, chorus and filter. If ur looking to use a wah in it, yo might be disappointed. So it really is all up to what are u looking for. Do you really need that much effect?