Line 6 POD HD300/400/500 user thread

You do realise that compared to the previous Pods, there's been quite a significant jump in the quality of the sounds. You're not buying an AxeFX II, so you'd have to give the Pod HD some credit in terms of what they are offering at the prices of the Pods.

Also I think that Line 6 has clearly stated that there is a limit on the number of FX you can lump on top on the amp model. If you're using the Dual Tone feature, you need to realise that you're practically dividing the processing power in half because each FX has to be modeled for each of the amps.

Anyways, I need to ask, when you tried the Pod HD, did it seem like the high gain amps like the Fireball and the Dual Rect seem fuzzy? I tried a Fireball 60 and a Dual Rect, but when I compare the sound to what I hear on the Pod HD (especially on the vids online), it seems that the models sound fuzzy, fizzy and muddy. The immediate pick attack sounds fine, but the sustain that I hear seems very fuzzy and muddy, its like Line 6 slapped a fuzz on the sustain of their high gain amps. Did it seem that way to you?

I sold it off already, n that was quite some time so I cldn't really remember the fizziness n muddiness, though I felt their high gain amps were quite good-sounding..