Lifting Bridge on an Acoustic :(


New member
Hello everybody,

Just hoping for a little piece of help over here. I've been examining my acoustic guitar, and i can't help but notice that the bottom part of the bridge, just below the 1st and 2nd string pings, has little slightly upwards. I'm able to push part of a piece of paper, but nothing thicker than a piece of paper in.

Any ideas on what to do to fix/minimise the problem of the lifting bridge, and ideas to prevent it in the future?

Thanks in advance!
heat up the glue and remove the bridge clean up the area and used glue to stick it back . better ask some professional for help like this!
its a matter of time ... before the entire bridge comes off and hits some unfortunate by stander in the face :mad:

send to Dan Music 4th floor Peninsula SC - he's pretty good (and cheap) with accoustic bridge replacement
its a matter of time ... before the entire bridge comes off and hits some unfortunate by stander in the face :mad:

send to Dan Music 4th floor Peninsula SC - he's pretty good (and cheap) with accoustic bridge replacement

really?so i can ask him to rip my acoustic bride off and replace it with a hipper cooler nicer material bride? how much? i'd love that!

and dude...yeah,if its really that bad,stop playing it before a hole appears on the cover of the guitar...send it for repair