Let's Rock,Not Stone! With CRADLE, DANIELLE, MANIFEST 18june


New member
Dear Music Lovers and Supporters of Local Artistes/Musicians, I will be performing with my band, CRADLE, on the 18th June '07 (Monday) at 8pm at The Art House. Event ends at 10pm. DANIELLE and MANIFEST will also be performing. Even though we're gonna rock da house with Malay songs, but music is a universal language, yes?

Tickets are on sale at The Box Office at The Art House. Tickets are priced at S$15 for adults and S$10 for students.

Not everyone checks this site, so if you have friends who might be interested, please let them know about this gig, k? Thank you all and hope to see you there!

Addy and Manifest will rock the house down tonight! :supz:
Danielle is a cool band to watch too :supz:
darNz... reaLLy caN't gO... mUm wOn't leT me sIa... bUt, anywaY, uUUUuuuU rOck On laH maNifeSt aNd CraDLe.... :supz:
HeLl YeAh, I'm sUrE oNcE yOu StArT eXhIbItInG SoMe aBiLiTy tO tYpE pRoPeRlY, i'M sUrE YoUr mUm wIlL lEt YoU oUtTa ThE hOuSe!!!