v i c i o u s
s o f t
. . . r U I X I S T
. . . e
. . . m
. . . o
. . . l
. . . o b i a n g
You guys have to use the Courier Neu font and not the default Verdana font in order for the grid to align regardless of which character is used, at any point in time.
The Courier Neu font has a fixed pitch. Pitch in text/typography lingo deals with the width of a character. The Verdana font has variable pitc, resulting in a change in the width between characters. In short, not good for creating grids.
I deleted a few entries because they were either faulty or my eyes failed me. Please re-input again.
Lastly, you'll need to put a space between characters. NOT that important but it makes everything more legible.