LES PAUL sale in Singapore


New member

Thinking of starting this forum so that the people can understand about sale of les paul in Singapore. :D

Where can get les paul ( not made in China ) in Singapore.. first hand.
Any brand..

If you have bought Les Paul in Singapore that is not made in Singapore..
Smile!! feel relax and cool to post your guitar and be PROUD of it!!

sweelee sells gibson/epiphone
guitar workshop sells sexy epiphone ones. But the price is quite a bitch=x
guitar 77 sells beautiful les pauls not sure what brand though. But apparently the cheapest i think.
guitar connection sells vintage or whatever les pauls mostly gibson/epiphone
there's a shop in penin near guitar connetion that sells epiphone les pauls... 280 only but it's les paul special. Meaning bolted on not neck through. Depends on your preference :)

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