Lefties playing right-handed

hah. im a lefty playing right-handed style. i couldn't find any left handed guitars when i first started. but now when i try the lefty style, it feels so darn uncomfortable. so i guess i'll stick to what im doin now.
i'm a lefty bassist who play a lefty bass(mirror image),hows that?and the bassist of HAPHAZARD too.Even my acoustic is left handed the left handed way,used to play it upside down,but found it troublesome so i managed to save enuf money to buy a pure left handed electric guitar,bass and acoustic.
i'm a lefty playing righty..the only real difference i've noticed is that lefties fret better and righties pick better. my picking sucks hardcore :(
hey i just joined. im also left handed playing right handed. feel comfortable playing right handed guitars. yea agreed that lefties fret better but pick sucks.
jon__ said:
i'm a lefty playing righty..the only real difference i've noticed is that lefties fret better and righties pick better. my picking sucks hardcore :(

i dont think thats true. a good amount of practise can overcome the better picking/fretting.

oh, and welcome to SOFT, Avidaxis!
never knew there were so many lefty's...
if u guys dun band up and form a revolution den thats okay...
HAHAHA!!! :lol:
well haha practice makes perfect !
im quite okay on picking now 90%accurate most of the time =x
Thanks partyanimal !

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