Learned from Starwars


Courtesy: Scott

While watching Revenge of the Sith, picked up a few important new items from the Star Wars Saga. Here they are for your reading pleasure:

Chewbacca is probably still picking sand out of his hair from the Battle of Kashyyyk when we see him in A New Hope.

The Emperor isn't bald under his hood.

People from Naboo don't look like beach balls when pregnant with twins.

Despite murdering dozens of children, betraying your friends, and choking your wife, you can still have good in you.

While Stormtroopers may not be a great shot, Clone Troopers are!

Even cyborg generals can get Tuberculosis.

The Jedi's health insurance policy does not cover lost limbs, but the Sith plan has you covered.
Lol, good observations although I half-disagree with the last one.
Anakin's 1st machine part was after he lost his arm for the 1st time.

Maybe the "Sith council" covers more than arms.
thats ur observations, anw i have mine

ever notice anakin's very er...narrow-minded perception of things and naive-ness in the movie? i think george lucas was trying to send subliminal hints to george bush or sumthing
jeremyrozario said:
thats ur observations, anw i have mine

ever notice anakin's very er...narrow-minded perception of things and naive-ness in the movie? i think george lucas was trying to send subliminal hints to george bush or sumthing

oh u mean stuff like

Liberty dies in thunderous applause (padme)

you are with me or against me ( anakin @ mustafa system)

well , reason being , star wars was actually crafted to raise awareness of a dictatorship and how dictatorships are bad to society as a whole. it was the height of the vietnam war when george lucas first conceived the idea for star wars and anti vietnam / anti war rallies were common in america.

fast foward to today.

george lucas himself said something about history parralleling itself. today again we see america involved in a unpopular war , with bush being a "dictator" , trying to bypass congress , bypass UN , trying to install his loyal followers into strategic political positions .

sounds like the emperor palpatine eh ?
Hans_Zimmer said:
Courtesy: Scott

While Stormtroopers may not be a great shot, Clone Troopers are!

I think I can explain this. By the time the clone troopers are called storm troopers. they have become old as we know they age quite fast, and normal humans were also recruited as storm troopers
how did Han Solo and Chewbacca meet?

(I sense a spin-off)

This is for sure not the end of Star Wars, there's gonna be spin-offs and sequels and prequels and shit no one is able to think of.

here are some other trilogies that are gonna come up with more bullshit so as to milk the cow for all it's worth, ie till the udders and are pruny wrinkled sacks nothingness.

1. The Matrix. Do you honestly think the Chosen One fucken just died like that? Hell No.

2. The Lord Of the Rings. The Hobbit. Tolkien's dead but Hollywood will come up some bullshit story to create a shitstorm at the oscars.

3. Fu ck i've run out. Wait a minute this whole forum entry has been a trilogy. It's gonna be spin-offs ,sepuels, prequels, behind-the-scenes, the makin of, a day in the life of, the remastered version...etc.

point is Star Wars is still fucking alive. Why? Because it's hollywood, bitch
super_punk said:
how did Han Solo and Chewbacca meet?

(I sense a spin-off)

This is for sure not the end of Star Wars, there's gonna be spin-offs and sequels and prequels and shit no one is able to think of.

here are some other trilogies that are gonna come up with more bullshit so as to milk the cow for all it's worth, ie till the udders and are pruny wrinkled sacks nothingness.

1. The Matrix. Do you honestly think the Chosen One fucken just died like that? Hell No.

2. The Lord Of the Rings. The Hobbit. Tolkien's dead but Hollywood will come up some bullshit story to create a shitstorm at the oscars.

3. Fu ck i've run out. Wait a minute this whole forum entry has been a trilogy. It's gonna be spin-offs ,sepuels, prequels, behind-the-scenes, the makin of, a day in the life of, the remastered version...etc.

point is Star Wars is still xxxxing alive. Why? Because it's hollywood, bitch

star wars is more than hollywood punk !

its a legend !!

JEDI is a religion is britain u know ? pls .. stop passing such inflamatory comments... its treading on my religious beliefs.

search your feelings , you know it to be true .
stars said:
fast foward to today.

george lucas himself said something about history parralleling itself. today again we see america involved in a unpopular war , with bush being a "dictator" , trying to bypass congress , bypass UN , trying to install his loyal followers into strategic political positions .

sounds like the emperor palpatine eh ?

whoa, that's quite scary...
Waaiit a minute...he can also be darth vader since he has twin children like anakin.

I can see the resemblance. Shortly, Bush is going to be Emperor and he's going to kill the Jedis 8O or at least the jedi equivalents.
Bush also got twin daughters.. So, the guesses is never gonna end.. but somewhere it all seems related to Star Wars.. IMO
Bush gona kil Jedis ? or equivilant?

you mean the those middle eastern terrorists are JEDIS ??
Saddam their leader ? or osama = master yoda.
oh no! Soon bush would turn Saddam to the dark side and he would fall into some volcano and turn into his Sith apprentice.

Osama is also probably already living in some remote swamp area...
stars said:
star wars is more than hollywood punk !

whoa okok. relax.

you know i was just trying to engage in some converstion, you know break the ice. relax brother.

i don't think i really treaded on sensitive grounds in that post which had pertinence to JEDI as a religion. but if i have. i greatly apologised to all JEDIS around the world especially in Britain.

and to stars the greatest one of all.
yes. !

bush = darth vader ?

tt is a bad parallel ...

1) bush is nowhere half as tall as vader
2) bush dosent need a ventilator , he choked on a pretzel , mayb some "intellectual sitmulant enhancer"
3)bush dosent wear black all the time.
4) bush talks too much , vader strangles people too much :P
5) bush is the head of the US of A , darth vader rules the galaxy !
Someone looking for this Jedi Girl....Got a date on Mustafar !! Wanna go ?


or this one ?
