lead guitar and rythm guitar


New member
Hi i'm new to guitar, am i right tt electric guitar is lead guitar and rythm guitar? then how is it different?
can be both. it's usually both unless u play like the current santana then it's lead guitar!
so means most electric guitar can play both?

depending on what kinda music music your playing, you can play lead/rhythm on an acoustic too.
basically in a song there are many parts, and sometimes what you can play is rather limited with 2 hands.. so that's where a 2nd guitarist comes in, it's just the playing of diff parts.. but as everyone knows the lead's part is usually quite flashy
Keith, am I right to say that you're speaking of a typical 5 piece band?

I think in bigger setups like a big band and orchestra, a dedicated rhythm section would do solely that, focus on the rhythm aspects of the band's pieces.
well in a way, yes. electric guitars all function the same way. they sound different mainly from the pickups which are installed in them.

the conventional way to getting lead sounds and rhythm sounds is from the type of distortion used (either from amp or from pedals) and EQ applied to the signal. not this guitar is better for lead and that guitar is better from rhythm, at the level we're talking about.

at most, it's just the change of pickup position from bridge to neck as they give different voicing on the same guitar.
Keith, am I right to say that you're speaking of a typical 5 piece band?

I think in bigger setups like a big band and orchestra, a dedicated rhythm section would do solely that, focus on the rhythm aspects of the band's pieces.

yea you're right, but even in a 4piece band they would resort to recording the rhythm as a backing.. although pretty much the same but the vibe of seeing someone actually play life is very much different from watching someone play live over a track
oh. i have decided to buy a cheaper electric guitar and amplifier for learning first, BTW, whats the diff between cheap and exp E.guitar? is it the ability of the sound tt it can produce?
oh. i have decided to buy a cheaper electric guitar and amplifier for learning first, BTW, whats the diff between cheap and exp E.guitar? is it the ability of the sound tt it can produce?

Expensive guitar will cook for you eggs for breakfast and franks for lunch. If you buy one of them vintage guitars, they will also make you your dinner plus make out with you.

hurr hurr hurr....

Expensive guitar will cook for you eggs for breakfast and franks for lunch. If you buy one of them vintage guitars, they will also make you your dinner plus make out with you.

hurr hurr hurr....


HAHA, how so? overload it and use the heat to cook?

anw, cheap or expensive, important thing is u need to like how it feels. a cheap one may have not bad electronics but make u feel great while playing, and an expensive one may have all the high-end electronics but u find it to be unable to suit ur needs. another difference is because of the branding. jeans from bugis street of the same quality as levis jeans can cost half the price due to the brand.
oh. i have decided to buy a cheaper electric guitar and amplifier for learning first, BTW, whats the diff between cheap and exp E.guitar? is it the ability of the sound tt it can produce?

when ppl see u play cheap guitar hor, they auto think u noobz. if u play expensive guitar hor, u auto become proz until u actually play something. really!

well, expensive guitars are made of more expensive materials generally. add in some pro brand name then double price.
oh. i have decided to buy a cheaper electric guitar and amplifier for learning first, BTW, whats the diff between cheap and exp E.guitar? is it the ability of the sound tt it can produce?

ya lah sound diff lah. But i think when u choose guitar u choose by the sound not by the price. Don't see the price hear the sound u like it u buy don't like change. You like it no money then save for it. if u really need a guitar urgently then go for the 2nd best that u like. I think price do play tricks on ppls minds sometimes
Don't worry too much about cheap or expensive guitar to buy. First, you learn to play that guitar. As a guitarist, you have to learn to play both rhythm and lead. Learn about chords progressions, scales, etc. Then you'll start to venture about sound. You will learn to compare what suits you best. The kind of guitar you like and the kind of playing you like. Ultimately, you be that guitarist you wanna be.

Very importantly, enjoy playing music!

^ yea true! Know all your scales and chords by hard.. very important. :)

why is it so? cause it's what i had experience last week in jamming.. haha.. i learnt a song playing in the original key that was recorded in the record, but wen we're jamming, vox wanted it to tune the key down 1 whole step. I could transpose the rhythm parts but not the lead! i'm dumbfounded..

Of course, you can come up with your own solo, but i wasn't that comfortable in the key of C#, and my brain goes blank and my fingers dunno where to run!

it's good to have a grip on scales and it's position in all the keys i guess. I don't play music full-time (just a weekend jammer) but for those who does, might probably experience this before.