lazy chain or a DC brick?


New member

a DC brick is expensive!!! but I wonder if a lazy chain is good enough, will it overload my power adaptor meant for 1 effect?

I'm planning to hook it up to a EBS Multi-Comp, Hartke Bass Attack and a Zoom B2.1u.

anyone has advise?
you mean daisy chain? but that's a good one man... lazy chain sounds so much better imo, heh

The current draw in your setup should be well in the means of a 1spot adaptor, so no problems about the overloading part. Methinks a DC brick will be a bit of an overkill. I've never dealt with power supplies before, but remembered reading from somewhere that the DC brick is basically an oversized and overpriced 1spot cos they're both daisy chained.

*shrug* think you should save the cash and go for a 1spot
Why not a T-Rex Fuel Tank Junior, small in size, isolated power supply, and affordable ard $140++.

both shops I asked called it a lazy chain.... I asked both shops if it was "daisy" chain and both shops said no, it's "lazy" so well, I got the term from them! :)

anyways, 1spot and Fuel Tank Junior.... any idea where I can buy them? Those shops I searched at peninsula all wanted to sell me the lazy chain instead and said don't sell any such bricks.
1spot n daisy chains can be found at G77

no idea whether they still have stock though... although i think 2weeks ago... they seem rather stocked up haha... u can call 2 check...

G77 is located a pennin 2... haha
the 1spot shd be able to power up the pedals u got... the dc brick is not only expensive, but takes up space and weight... you're gonna carry the thing and you definitely want it to be lighter.
not nice if I post the shop names here, since they supposed to know the names of what they selling, and it seems like they got it wrong :)