lakland basses


New member
Hey guys! I'm dying to get my hands on a lakland 55-02 (the skyline one) or the 55-01...

Anyone here plays one and can point the direction? Or better yet, have your own sound clip with u playing it? Cheers... gassing mannnnnnn
Haha, am gasing after the 55-01 myself. Thought of ordering one from Bass Central once I've saved up the money. Are u abt to order one soon? Where do u intend to order it from?

I'm going on a trip to New York in August and I'll be getting my 55-02 then. If you'd like me to place orders for you for shipping back to singapore (it's about $2000 including shipping, but NOT including GST) I can do that, no problem.

Sinamex used to bring them in but apparently they don't stock them anymore. I tried emailing them but got not reply. As of now there are no official Lakland dealers in Singapore to my knowledge.

I can get ahold of a 55-94 to record a sound sample for you easy, and it's been said (and tested) that when you A/B a -94 to an -02, the only difference you can really tell is the weight.
hey superkicky

you could? thanks man, that'll be awesome! will wait patiently for the sound clip... try to play with finger style and slap style yeah! so i can hear whats its like in various situations..

august might be too far.. just sold my old bass and currently shopping for another one.. looking out for a stingray 5, warwick streamer LX 5/jazzman currently.. no luck... if i dont get either of those by august, then maybe i will take you up on your offer!

been scouting out the classifieds everyday... haha..
hey wraith, just filling in from what i know. The 55-94 is the american one. The 55-02 is the skyline, korean made one.

The 94 behind the number 55 is the year lakland started up! :D
Yup. It's the Skyline Korean one. Here's a bit of copy from the Lakland site:

In my opinion, the Skyline and the U.S. version were nearly identical. They have the same electronics. The Hipshot-licensed hardware on the Skyline looks great to me. Fit and finish on the Skyline left no room for improvement. So then Dan asks me, "Well, what do you think? How do they compare?" I hesitated a bit before I said, "Well, I really don’t see, feel or hear much difference at all. And I sure don’t see a couple thousand dollars worth of difference." Dan smiled and said "Good. That’s what we’re trying to do with the Skylines."

Which is why I'm getting the Skyline :) I think it'd be a bit heavier, but I've got a solid ash Jazz Bass which is pretty damn heavy as it is already, so I'm thinking a Lakland (or almost anything else) would be lighter.

cherry sunburst please!!! hehe.

seriously. haha. PM me. wait, better still, i'll PM you.

then why am i even posting this?
Those interested in ordering Lakie Skylines (i.e. slapadelic/crispyegg etc), please give me your emails! They don't have the exact model I want right now but I'll try to place an order for you guys if you still want.
Man, i wish i had the cash for a USA lakland, but oh well, i shall be satisfied with what i have for now. :D
Hey Thanks Superkicky.. but i just blew my cash on the TRB haha... guess the lakland would have to wait... but i am very satisfied with this! just need new strings now... hahaha... DRs... here i come!