Lace Sensor Set


New member
Hi all, I would like to hear your comments about Lace Sensor Set, the blue, silver and red combination.. I would like to know roughly what is the price range and whether should i change my guitar pots.. currently i believe mine is only 250k.. :)
Relac said:
Hi all, I would like to hear your comments about Lace Sensor Set, the blue, silver and red combination.. I would like to know roughly what is the price range and whether should i change my guitar pots.. currently i believe mine is only 250k.. :)

I have tried this set.

Very nice for playing clean, very pleasant and chimey. If this is your style (mostly play clean), you will love it.

But they are not very appealing when over driven.
I would suggest Lace Sensor Hot Gold series if you play more on overdrive.
I see. Thanks so much. Actually i am looking for pickups thats versatile as in able to play rock n some clean sound.. Im thinking of cool rails in the neck n hot rail at the bridge.. as for the middle i dunno wat to get.. Any comments?
vintage rails , but some people dun really like it as the vintage rails has a weaker output between the 2, so u might get a drop in vol when switching to it.but imo vintage rail + cool rails has a pretty nice tone .
There shouldn't be a drop in volume unless the difference in output btw your middle pup and other pups are very great.

However, there will be a drop in gain. ;)

You can set the pup heights so that on clean, there is an even sound across all 3 pups. But on a gained up setting, the lower output middle pup will just lose some saturation.

Its a good idea to have a lower output middle if your other pups are hi output, so as to give yourself a bit of versatility.
im pretty sure there is a volume drop because I have it in the mid between a cool rail and a lil 59 :)
ShredCow said:
Mew said:
im pretty sure there is a volume drop because I have it in the mid between a cool rail and a lil 59 :)

Set it higher? And isn't the lil 59 a pretty hot pup?

yep, the cool rails is 9.4k in the neck
the lil 59 is 11.78k in the bridge

however the vintage rails is only 2.31k in the middle
vintage rails is moderate.
cool rails is moderate
lil 59 is high output

however the vintage rails sounds softer to me and some players I know somehow.

the D.C resistance pretty much detemines the output too doesnt it?
VIntage rails or duckbucker works fine in the middle. People rarely use the middle in isolation. The other way will be CR, CR, lil 59. so u dun get any volume drop.

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