Lace Sensor Humbuckers?


New member
Just a thought, anybody has/tried it? The Red/Blue one. Thinking of changing my bridge pickup and since my sis is going to Canada for awhile, and if its cheaper, i'll ask her to pick it up for me :)

Oh, and i play like... Rock, a lil metal, funk and all. just need a versatile pickup :)
tat you'll have to do some researches.
based on my knowledge, "most" DiMarzio pickups are for genres metals. I m more familiar about lace sensors than DiMarzio
hmmm have u tested ur lace pups against high gain settings yet?? esp ur single coil. i've read online that their sensors are not totally hum cancelling. thats giving me 2nd thoughts abt changing brands =/
btw my fren switched his pickups to lace sensors hot gold. It is hum cancelling.. not noisy. if got any noise i think have to do with the amp alr.
Think of the guitar as a car, the pickups the engine and the electronics in it the tyres, suspension, brakes, etc. Boosting the horsepower of an engine without installing better brakes and tyres and leaving the suspension in its stock geometry pretty much makes the engine upgrade pointless.

Same analogy with the guitar. You change the pickups without getting the values right and getting better quality stuff is not going to do the upgrade any justice.
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I know some stuff about DiMarzios, maybe i can help?
For one, i know DiMarzios have either high and medium output pickups. For example the Tone Zone has high output, more suited for metal and progressive rock/hard rock. Medium would be Air Norton. It's suitable for punk, like green day, and can do overdrives pretty well, imho, which means it can do pop rock and alternate stuff pretty well too.
Oh yeah, forgot to add. Based on your music styles, that you wanna versatile pups, i suggest JB or jazz with a 59.