KxE sound.

From what I remember both guitarists use Caparison guitars with EMGs, one uses a Framus Dragon and the other uses a Peavey 5150, both boosted with Maxon OD808s.
Ahhh...Crazy crazy soundddd.... It's hard to achieve that for us.. First tings the Low C Drop C tuning... Gotta have the guitar setup real well..
Amp's EQ-ing,The pickups, The Digging etc etc...
I think the amp's the most important factor, you're probably never going to get that tone if you go through like a marshall mg15 even with a well setup fully loaded Caparison.

If you have a decent amp and guitar, maybe something like a sansamp GT2 might bring you into that higher gain rhythm territory.
Thanks alot guys. Anyway, is that overdrive or distortion? What's the different between those two anyway?

Sorry if its a stupid question. Curious. :D
Haha, nevermind dude, you misunderstood my question. I was hoping for some light on differences between Overdrive and Distortion sound.

Thanks anyway.
sorry guys but after watching e link.. i somehow linked to arch enemy live video... watched e 1 tt says Enemy Within..

wad i dun understand is..

is that a male vocal with boobs,abs and some terrible sore throat???
i'm sorry i'm offending.. but i cant hear a damn thing he/she is singing..

E music ok la.. e solo is interesting.. damn i know nuts abt this kinda music.. lol..
Haha...yerpss..their live videos aren't that good.. Bad recording as a whole.. Haha...yeah i have to agree the angela's voice in live shows isn't really close to ones in the records...