Kurzweil KS 40A Problems

boominess of the podhd has got nothing to do with those farting sounds on the 4 notes. it seems like something else is the cause of it cause the farting sounds sound so different from the real tone.

@theunknown: side track, but what are those monitors in your video? they look rather different from my kurzweil. for mine, the diaphram isn't orange and the dust cap isn't shiny.

4 notes only that's why it has more to do with the room. i used to boom my room with an open A note. boom-ed another room with other notes. i believe this can be eq-ed away.
i'm well aware of it, and i'm not saying that that does not happen. but the video doesn't seem to reproduce the type of boominess i hear with my unit. did your boominess sound like the video's farting sounds? maybe the hd300 and 400 have such issues, i'm not 100% sure.

then again, glenn delaune's patches have no such problems, and ts said he loaded and tried them and still had the same problems. easiest way to test whether boominess is the cause is to switch the 4×12 cab to other 4×12 cab or a 1×12 cab. i doubt it will solve it though.

oh yes, to ts, one more thing. make sure the S bass on the kurzweil is set to 12 o'clock. then again again, if it happens in earphones, then what boominess are we talking about? nah.. from what ts said, we can cancel out that possibility.
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are your headphones and desktop monitors connected to your pod through a 1/4" to 1/8" stereo adapter in the "phones" jack of the pod hd300?
p.s. oh and one more. problem might also be with your guitar. can you do the same B, C, Db, D chugs on the 6th and 5th string? do thay have the same buzz?
p.s.s and also, i'm interested to know how you got those glenn delaune patches into your pod hd300? does the hd300 editor take in hd400 patches normally?

hi bro
yes it's connected through the phones output with 3.5mm to 1/4" converter.
nope. just the A strings and open D and D# on D string. I'm starting to notice it occurs on first few fret on low E string.
basically palm muted notes that has that bit of sustain. first few frets on low strings.
yeap! somehow i open pod edit and select a patch and open the downloaded patch. i guess that's "normal" haha.
it shouldn't be a faulty unit. the excessive 'bass-ness' on the pod hd is well known. playing through a guitar amp vs monitors are 2 different thing as a guitar amp's frequency response is much narrower than a monitor speaker thus we don't hear the 'boom' effect as compared to monitor speakers. try doing some eq-ing (not the amp's eq but parametric eq, studio eq etc.) on the pod to take away the offending frequencies. does the room sort of shake (yes i'm asking seriously) when it booms?

yes it apparently is very well known!
look here: http://www.google.com.sg/search?hl=....,cf.osb&fp=b0035702daadcf60&biw=1280&bih=685

just searching TGP alone results in alot of thread with boomy and dark descriptions! yes i did do eq-ing. took all bass and mids and up the highs. same things. the desk shakes. not the room. haha i don't up the volume that high! yes i didnt have that boom thing on my previous amp.

MWB: yes i hope not! thing is big on promise. hmm.. no haha that isnt the kurzweil. thats my comp speakers. the kurzweil is on its right (and left of my laptop). yes i know about the FRFR. but im not aiming that loud. hey the rokit isnt that ex. rokit 5 is $490 at sinamex.

yes basically. the notes affected are the first few frets on EAD strings but MUCH MORE on B to D. im not sure about farting. my fart doesnt sound like that. u meant like busted subwoofers?

im very sure glenn's patches are alright.. and Ola's channel is full of WIN. his tone are awesome.

i tried all position of the bass knob on the kurzweil. im pretty sure now its NOT the speakers. nor the headphones....
the link i gave. the guy mentioned palm mutes. like my case. normal chords/open pickings are OK.

ATTENTION: its not like BOOM like explosion. its like a very loud HMMM or HUMMM then cut off by the noise gate.
see, the puzzling thing is that it happens on earphones, and the fact that it does not happen to the same chords from B to D on the 7th to 10th fret of the 6th string. the excessive bass of the pod is just that, very bassy. it doesn't sound like a hum nor a giant mosquito invasion.

i'm still not ruling out a faulty unit, but i'm guessing now, that it might be the guitar clipping the output.

a few more questions,
are you using active pickups?
does it happen at other pickup positions? eg, neck and middle positions.

try other guitars and see if the same happens. if it doesn't, then it may be the guitar.
hi MWB: ok found that it also occurs on more on 6th string. ok basically palm muted high gain notes. if u heard correctly,
its not exactly at the time of the picking (the chugg itself is ok), but after it. like the sustained sound is bass-ed and amplified.

nope. passive. les paul copy. all positions and also on single coils (my guitar has coil split)
my other guitar, a tgm les paul copy too.

found that my so called normal-sounding-eq-ed metal sound is on threadplate with 0 bass 0 mids and 100 highs. now this is all on earphones. but still has this chugghMMM sound.

guitar clipping output? whats that?
When i read the first page and watched the video, i suspected guitar clipping.
Either your guitar signal is too much for the pod(unlikely) or the pod signal is too much for the speakers,
thus your speaker overdrives, in a bad way that you hear it.

That's what i think though, i don't own a hd300.
Used to have a floor pod,
their sounds on amps can be deceiving, plug in the headphones and you'll know how bassy it actually is.
Everyone just boost the bass because they want the chug, but do you know which frequencies you're overloading?

What i know of the after-boom
-your tone is too sub-bassy, even if your bass is at 0 or something
-it causes the things in your room with that same resonant frequency to vibrate and cause that sound

and because the speaker is loud, doesn't mean it's clipping, won't that mean we cannot increase the volume of any speaker?

Pathein where you
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haha ok, it's come to this. this means that, around 90% chance your unit is faulty. to get a piece of mind, just needa bring your guitar down, maybe perhaps your hd500 down to citymusic, try theirs there, try yours, on stick patches same settings on their kurzweil and you'll know for sure. still under warranty right?
actually, there are still more steps you need to do before that. every effect block in the pod hd can be clipped, and it is hard to identify which is clipping but it usually happens with unrealistic settings. (like 100% level on compressors, amp's power amp, noise gate with low threshold)

for all you know, the reverb / delay is clipping because the signal before them is too high (caused by the amp block or a compressor block). just do a patch with nothing in it at all, except the amp block. with nothing infront and behind, and with your physical master volume knob set to 80% to 100%, select the same amp and set the amp block's post gain to 50%. pre gain as desired. is the problem still present?

all these infomation are available on tgp's dicussion page. there's a wealth of infomation there. :)
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zesn: yeh maybe signal too much to take for the output? Im not sure which frequencies though but yes even bass at 0, it still has that bass. it's not just through speakers, through phones also. yeah i don't up the volume high. and i tried different volumes.

MWB: haha impatient me already returned my kurzweil. faulty? but i see that i'm the only one in the world with this issue.
hmm. maybe i'll go to CM and try their hd with my earphones, with my settings. oh and its hd300.

no i don't have any compressors and i've tried with just the amp, nothing else. post/pre gain? are they "gain" and "vol" on my hd300?
you can't expect much out of the 40A being sold as 'studio monitor'
it probably does well for it's price...
The studio monitors i have seen is cheapest 6-7 times over the price of the 40A,
Yea, they make pretty good computer speakers though.

It out performs many "gaming" sets, and clarity is better than those sub $200 2.1 systems, though find it rather soft when pushed to the max.

Not really meant for acoustically treated rooms, but it gets the job done in typical hobbyist rooms.
i concluded that i just couldnt get myself to tahan the bassy nature of the pod through the speakers or phones nor get myself to put bass at 0 for nearly all presets.

thus i went back to plugging the pod to the fx return of my tube amp. i sacrified on having to hear full frequencies by the pod but
i'm still amazed by the tones im getting with value equivalent to 3 "standard" pedals. the dynamics are still there.

further conclusion: nothing wrong with the speakers nor headphones
research shows the the pods are naturally bassy and many users have the same thinking and many blame it on the cab sims.

Thanks all who have taken time to help me around my problems. it's not fully solved knowing many users get great tones with the pod and studio monitors. or maybe those good tones are the ones i heard but not liked.
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ive wanted to buy this for my podhd300 as well...
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm dont know if ill have the same issues man

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