Looking to sell this headphone
This headphone have very good review as one of the best headphone you can find on the market at the below $100. Go YouTube and watch the review!
This headphone is not sold in Singapore and I bought it at USA for $80usd. Looking to sell at $80 sing( firm)
Reason for sale: just bought an upgrade and have no need for it
Come with the headphone itself and 1/4 adaptor. I lost the box and there is no warrenty on this headphone as i bought it from oversea. SMS 98275553 for picture and more information
prefer to deal at the west.
Thanks for viewing
This headphone have very good review as one of the best headphone you can find on the market at the below $100. Go YouTube and watch the review!
This headphone is not sold in Singapore and I bought it at USA for $80usd. Looking to sell at $80 sing( firm)
Reason for sale: just bought an upgrade and have no need for it
Come with the headphone itself and 1/4 adaptor. I lost the box and there is no warrenty on this headphone as i bought it from oversea. SMS 98275553 for picture and more information

Thanks for viewing