Hey. does anyone here uses an AX300G ? Maybe introduce some setting ? i just thought maybe i should create some sounds. but not sure what kind i'm looking for. Just list your settings.
I'm using one atm for about 4month now. I dont have much settings can introduce to u since i still new in electric guitar field and it also depend on what you want to sound like. Anyway, try read through www.thestompbox.net
try mixing abit of your fat distortion with a little flanger [forgot the exact values]. will produce quite an cool effect, can use it for alternative songs
to increase sustain on your guitar... you can also add spring reverb and analog delay.[set the delay time to 1s]. sounds damn sexy while soloing :twisted:
the tube OD is modelled after the ibanez tubescreamer
boutique OD is mod after centaur OD
Fat dist is mod after Rat dist
Orange dist is mod after Boss MD-2