KORG AX3000G or PODxt Live

KORG AX3000G or PODxt Live

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Hi, fellow guitar enthusiasts...

I will like to get feedback on KORG AX3000 and PODxt Live, based on the following factors..

1. Long term investment
2. Ease of use.

I have just called Luthermusic and City Music, both which have no stocks for KORG AX3000, Luthermusic left just 1 unit for pod ...forgot to check for city music.

Price for korg at Luthermusic is 438 together with gig bag, city music 423 with no bag.

Price for pod at luthermusic is 638.

Is there any other stores carrying these 2 products ? or any info on when the stocks are coming ? luthermusic gave me no confirmation on next incoming stocks... city music claims 18 or 19 May for korg.

A little summary of my background..

- play crap for 2 yrs..just strumming..

- then played about 3 yrs contemporary classical... can read notation decently, able to pluck with fingers.... had experience in contemporary classical performances and concerts.

- move on to playing electric 2 yrs ago.. but no time to really practice cos of NS.

- keen on all music genres, but main interest in instrumental rock, like Satch...Vai...

-using a Jem Jr , a normal peavey 15 inch amp, and just a DS-1, will invest in a better equipment in future when budget expands.

-wants to explore on other effects.

In a nutshell... which effect board will suit my playing on long term basis.[/u]
hey dude try a search in a forum a thread similar to this and probably even more widely discussed with other multi efx had been posted b4
I have heard nothing but amazing reviews about the PodXT live. Korg is good, but i think in terms or pure sound, PODXt better. Downloadable upgrades make it a long life also.
Try City music for the pod also, they are big line6 sellers.
if u wan all these multieffects pedals.. i reccomend u playin them thru full range speakers.. like jc120... keyboard amps.. pa speakers.. to get its full potential.. ive had podxt and gt8 before.. but now goin into analog. i find me havin to create new patch on every jammin studio i go.. and its realli diff to create something on the fly..these higher end multieffecs pedals.. are around mayb 600 - 800 bucks.. for the money.. you can get realli nice and gd OD pedals..
Hey! hmm.. ive used both! hahah.. i highly recommend the podxtlive over the ax3000g. Something i love is that it can be connected to your computer via usb so you actually can update e sounds available eg if there are new amp models and effects for e podxt. And yea! there's www.customtone.com where you can just download patches which people tweaked ready for use to load into your podxt. A lot of stuffs can be found there.. The PODXT oso has a lot more stuffs too imo.
omg. do NOT use multi fx.

i think its a personal thing, but i cant identify with so many digitalized choices of sounds, where you probably wont use ALL of them. im not slamming multi fx, but i used to own a zoom gfx 3 i think, and i ended up using only 5 or so effects out of the manymaanymany permutations of fx that you can actually tweak around with.

personally i cant be bothered with actually sitting down and twiddling the knobs to get a good combination of fx, or amp mods, cos its really a waste of time, and here's the crunch line, a really frivolous one, but i think multi fx do not look as cool as a pedal board of colorful funky psychedalic fx! 8)
there are advocates out there for guitar->amp combis, but i think the real joy lies in collecting pedals and combining them and just looking at those blinking lights and smile. hahaha its a personal thing, but yeah, im an advocate for ANALOG fx. heh :D
One reason I part ways with multi-effects was because I seldom use most of the efxs included. So IMO, go for quality over quantity. There are different ways to use every single effect so probably by starting with less you also can learn how to use all of them to the fullest.
If you are a stickler and connosieur of tone....forget the multi efx,they will leave u unhappy,but if you listen to the tone freaks on this forum and many others and cant really make head or tail of what they are saying :lol: then the multi efx will do more than enuff for u...

And as many before,I will advise you to go for the BOSS GT-8 if you dont mind tweaking,but if you want to dial in a tone and play...the POD XTL will do fine.
Personally,the BOSS GT-8 is just plain superior to the POD XTL,but does not come with softwares etc....(however u can find softwares on their site.. www.bossgtcentral.com )
ps.you dont really have to buy these efx first hand you can get some really good second hand deals if you look hard enuff :wink:
haha true true.. and personally if i have no choice wadsoever, i'd still go with a pod XT, perhaps the XTL cos of the really good amp mods in it, i have a friend who uses the pod regular, and honestly i cant really tell if i was blindfolded whether the sound that came out was from eg a boogie mark II, or his POD, so yeah. 8O
I have heard a lot about the amp sim of the pods,went and tested it out at City Music(who run it through a Line 6 amp btw and it sucks cos it was meant for FRFR,not that sweelee was much better running the GT-8 through a Transtube..oops tangent :oops: ),but anyways,the POD XTL does well on high gain sounds but at that kinda gain you could throw in a tar covered cat and a jackhammer and one wouldnt know,the GT-8 does much better at lower gain (no i dont mean clean or tweed,i mena the kinda gain where you dont fry the people arond you)...
however,if you havent sat and tweaked the BOSS gt-8 you dont know even 10% of what its capable of.No demo in a shop or online can show you what it can do,thats what i figured out after hours on the website and a lot of tweaking.
The POD is a WYSIWYG,tones are dialled in and tweaking is not really required,so the decision is kinda easier. :wink:
not only that, there's no KICK in digital! heh. 8)
the happy experience of stomping on pedals can never equate to stomping on patches for multi fx. haha
yea ....add a tube amp in the mix....ORGASM CENTRAL...

but as for this topic...man goto someones place who has the pedal and has tweaked it....then u can know the quality of each multi efx...
The GT-8..I am a user so if u wanna try pm me. :lol:
nickyseow said:
haha true true.. and personally if i have no choice wadsoever, i'd still go with a pod XT, perhaps the XTL cos of the really good amp mods in it, i have a friend who uses the pod regular, and honestly i cant really tell if i was blindfolded whether the sound that came out was from eg a boogie mark II, or his POD, so yeah. 8O

You've put a boogie mark II next to a pod and listened to both of them?
hahahaha lovers of analog.. oh-thee-well..

hey i need a contact for voodoolabs sparkle drive. anyone noe anyone, well, besides guitar gallery.. haha

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