Steve Smith touches on it at his PASIC 2005 clinic.
At the 2005 PAS international convention, Steve presented a clinic titled "Indian Rhythms: An Intro for Western Drummers," with noted Indian drummer Ganesh Kumar playing kanjira. "For the past four years, I've been studying the rhythms from India," explains Smith. "the music of India has incredibly rich rhythmic tradition, developed over thousands of years. The rhythmic part of the music is, in fact, one of its primary focuses, which is different from U.S. music, where the primary focus is melody and then harmony. They have a highly developed rhythmic system that I find extremely interesting, and studying it has helped me develop a lot more rhythmic knowledge and phrasing ideas. I love playing with the Indian musicians, interacting and improvising, using the Indian concept of a meeting ground."
South Indian rhythmic syllables (konokol):
Group of 3:
ta ki ta
Group of 5:
ta ka
ta ki ta
Group of 7:
ta ka di mi
ta ki ta
Group of 9:
ta ka di mi
ta ka
ta ki ta