Know Your Roots!!

Hi fellow drummers,

One key thing - Context is very important.

I was talking to alvin just now and I shared this with him: what you say on your own may mean one thing, when someone else takes it in another manner it turns into a whole new world.

Those of you who have voiced out support, sometimes you may not realise you're contributing to a kind of on-line "hydra" (multi-headed vicious snake)

Something not close to our community stumbling upon this thread may think that the teacher has students blindly supporting him.

I know quite a number of you and you speak fairly (mel80, amongst others)
of the situation.

But, context is so very important. Thus, its best to refrain to speaking unless you're absolute sure it will not be taken as a form of weapon to attack any individual(s)

Another aspect of context, is that someone says something, but he/she may not necessarily mean it literally or explicitly.

The person may not have a chance to say something in response or defend him/herself if being quoted by someone, somewhere or anywhere.

That said, what I have to contribute to this, is that BALANCE is very important.

We must know history, understand the present and plan for the future.

They are all important, and all double-edged swords.

For example, people with strong grasp of history may use it to talk down to others, or they may use it to educate for the greater good.

So I say, grasp your roots, understand the present and keep an eye on the future.


In case it is not clear, I mean well and I hope everyone on this forum has a place here and feels comfortable. I think the owner of this forum feels the same way too.

Every now and then, conflicts arise but let us all learn to understand, forgive and move on.

cheers my good mates
at the end of the day,

music as a musician comes in a few simple parts..

technicality, soul, theory/understanding.

although there're ppl who say its not necessary to know how a certain chord or progression is formed or what a 4/4, 6/8 time signature means. that's untrue and true to a certain extent. How i look at it, music is like a language. a certain level of understanding is required when u get together with a group of like-minded musicians to 'create' music. And having an understanding of the diff genres of music though it may not be something u like will help you understand what another mate in the group might be playing.. and thus allow room for more suitable accompaniment or compliment.

and to that certain extent, i know of songwriters who only have a certain knowledge of theory so to speak but they can write decent if not songs that people will come to like if heard.

So be it a person who aspires to be a musician and knowing all there is to know VS a someone who makes do with whatever knowledge he/she has and try to come up with melodies, grooves and rhythmn... I think it's still a 'personal preference'.

music is a form of the Arts. and also a form of language that speaks to many ppl - musicians or not.


In relation to the topic alvin started, no wrong has been done to anyone. No names were mentioned. He probably jus wants to make a stand to how impt the 'roots' are. It's not a right or wrong thing.

To some of us who already have a set path as to what music is to us.. it might sound like alvin is trying to make a pt that everyone shld study the roots. But to someone who has jus started, it's a preventive measure of some sort as to what to expect from your future mentor if he/she happens to want to take lessons or even if it's a self taught he/she.

just a few cents worth of thoughts. :wink:
Hi Perishz,

even the matter of whether a wrong has been done or not depends from individual to individual.

i've spoken to some of the softies and understand that there is a certain amount of hurt and unsettled feelings going on right now.

i just wanted to clear this.

thanks for the understanding and see you around =)

warm regards
I totally agee with what Plainsman put up here - Brothers here really mean no harm to anyone (nor had any ulterior motive behind whats transpired here).....but of course, this is a Forum.....depending on how ones view & transcribe it - nevertheless .... what's mean't to be good can at many a times turn out to be otherwise due to it's sensitivity.....I'm am very sure every of our Bros here can by now understand what I'm trying to convey...

And because of these inevitable situation many a times as in a forum or any forum - - - Soft Drummer's Exchange / Meetup is necessary to iron out small little matters like these, thus bringing the Drumming Community altogether here in Singapore - taking away all barriers inbetween and getting each and every of us drummers as a closely knitted family.....This been said it's proven true too.

Look at all our Soft Meetups...If every drummer there is just doing Rock all the way or Jazz or Alfro Cuban even Funk in every meetup - How boring it will be and we will be ending up after a year without enhancing creativity and improving as a Whole.....but thks goodness we have a mix of Drummers all specialising in certain Genera - and that's what makes our Soft Meetup so very exciting with so many New Stuffs that we share among each other..

That's the Value of our Soft Meetup - because we have Varieties ! and it really all because not of a single person, but everyone that contributed....That's Everyone Of You and We Should Keep It Growing That Way.....Whatever happens happened - we cannot undo it (but truly it's also not a big issue here)....let's not fight over who's wrong who's right - the fact remains each of you have your reason behind it - and We Learn To Respect Each Other In Their Own Way - meaning Give & Take - Which I am so happy to see it's what you have all did......reading the above thread, if we have not truly treated each other as BROTHERS OF SOFT (It would definetely have been much worst) - and we all know it ourself -

So let's move on - Let not anything come inbetween our Brotherhood here ok my dear brothers.............

PS Actually I see that you all had already shown the Respect For Each Other here liao (knowingly or unknowingly) - Great Job Guys.....and with so many peace-keeping forces here Hahahaha :lol: - This is a wonderful Forum liao...

This Topics shall end here - for the good of everyone and Let's Move On - -

I really love you guys ! :lol:
like x-men movies huh....
magneto's brotherhood

peace keeping force... hmmm......
like east timor...

hahahaha... sorry guys...
nuthing but jokes are the best to wake up to every early morning..

anyway RD, since you asked to stop the topic, why dont you lock the thread
i say, that's the best....
wif all due respect to threadstarter here...
and in this case, alvin.....
NOTE: - - - Bro DT - There is no need to Lock this particular Thread ESPECIALLY ... (we could have already done so earlier if we really wanted to when the Thread got started) because there is nothing wrong really with this Thread at all...except, as I've mentioned as above - it happens to be a little sensitive..nothing wrong.

The most important reason as to why this thread was not lock and will not be lock even now - is because - The Brothers here had already proven themselves to everyone here (knowingly or unknowingly) through their posting as above - that they are mature enough to understand and they had depicted a common understanding of (Give & Take) and that's how I see it - and there was indeed no framming, no bashing whatsoever after which the matter to many of us was clear .... it was nothing..miscommunication that's all - I need not spell everything out for you here.

Locking a Thread is only needed (when it's inevitable) - but keeping this Thread opened shows above all - How we all as SOFT DRUMMERS & FORUMMERS handle and resolve situations within here ourself - especially a small little trivial matter like this.......NO this thread will not be locked (not now the way I see it)..........

I did mentioned bro DT - move on let it rest in ahealthy manner..and thank you for your understanding too.

Actually I should have deleted your above posting - cause - this is not the right time for joke lah my Bro..but I leave it as it is now ... and remembering I'm the Moderator and also it is not really your perogative (though I know u mean good for everyone in your own way here - not wrong) - .....I believe the way i put it will in a way not sound pleasant to you and make you feel lousy too).....What I am implicating here is - It's the same - You do have a reason for proposing to Locking the Thread, so do I have a reason to keep it open - both not wrong in a way (and there will be people here ..some agreeing with you some with me) depending on how ones look at it...right now?....It's exactly what had happened to this I look forward to all you people understanding...Thank You...and Cheers - It should be clear enough now.
Hahahaa yeah! Funny stuff man. When the cymbal was falling, it was like a matrix slow-motion moment hahahaa!

Power power pants on FIYAAAHH!! :lol:
Looking athe video - Hahahaha drum_hobbyist will buy Mel80 (dinner) for saving his Crash.....Imagine ! - What if - Mel80 did not manage to catch hold of the Cymbal stands - what next - Cymbal Benkok liao or crack .... and next 6th Meetup in August - "Cymbal Repair WorkShop" by Drum_Hobbists...Kekekeke :lol: :lol:
If I were to ommit the 1st half of my initial post and just spoke about the importance of knowing the roots things would've been different wouldn't it? But then, I heard someone said that his instructor said to "F@#K Jazz"....and I think that really needs to be addressed because if that's true then wouldn't you agree it is unhealthy to a growing community like ours?

I admit that I should've given this instructor the benefit of the doubt that those weren't his exact words but I was just reacting towards something that was said directly in my face. Look, I am not stupid...I did think of what many might think of me while I was typing the initial post but if I am to always have to worry about how wonderful or holy I want to look and refrain from speaking my opinions, then I might as well stop teaching and educating entirely!

Also, I DID NOT mention any names! But I do apologise if I've spoken too loudly!
yeah ok.....
i got you....
tot some jokes wud be nice to make ppl smile..
but i guess its not needed here...
mi shall be quiet...

With all due respect to everyone posting/viewing..i seriously didnt think of this as some sort of topic that would stir up unlikened feelings of anyone. Or anyting to the extent of locking up the topic. I really do feel its a healthy thing to be open about things - topic-wise or music-wise.

so no hurt or punt intended to anyone.

each one chooses his/her own it multi-varieted or in one solo aspect.. i'll respect that individual.

RD: i do understand ur concern being the just clearing things up once again.

No punt intended! :D
hey Alvin , Relax bro.. I understand what ur trying to say cos i went thru lotsa ppl who said the same thing but of Different genre and that is just not rite.. there are lotsa musicians around who just dont understand and i believe wat ur doing is just to get growing musicians to wisen up.. totally agree..

bro DT, haha.. u and ur joke ah.. timing aint rite la bro.. next time should come on the 4 N.

RD, appreciate what ur doing as moderator.. all should voice out abit but its up to us to see the comment negatively..

So relax bros, keep it cool..
Respect for music, and all its styles

Hey people,

No matter what it is, what style, background, genre of music you specialize in, it's just wrong to say that to any style of music... .

Moreover, there's gonna be a ripple effect. if an educator instills a certain mindset to his or her students, then there is a high chance that students from the lineage of such instructors will carry the same mindset over to their own future students.

Music is about creativity and sharing, but at the same time, also about mutual respect. what you can accomplish, doesn't make you the best. and it certainly doesn't give you a right to be condescending, because somewhere out there, there's always someone who's better than you at something.

just my opinions. erm.