Knightsfall's Originals (rough mix)


New member
Hi all,

We have finally recorded 4 original tracks @ Blackisle Studio.

They are currently uploaded on our myspace -

This is the rough mix, not the final piece. Please do drop some comments so that we can tidy up/tighten the songs before sending it for the final mastering.

The 4 tracks are namely, See You On The Other Side, Perfect Son (where is fgl?), Hey Baby (Do You Wanna Dance With Me?) (might sound a little ripoff) & The Truth.

Please post constructively though, lets keep it flame free :)

Hey bro, the link ain't working. This is what showed up when I clicked on the link :

Invalid Friend ID.
This user has either cancelled their membership, or their account has been deleted.

How does mastering works ah? Pardon me for asking this question cuz it is the 1st time my band is recording our originals. What will be added or enhanced?

Please advise.
Thanks bro. The songs up on the site (with exception of "Let the music play") are still undergoing mixing, so what you are hearing is the raw version :)

Will keep on working on it and get it out soon once the mixing is completed~

Thanks for the kind words...
Just let the music play sounds as though it was recorded during a jamming session.
Did you encode it in 128kbps? The high frequencies are missing.
For the rest of the songs, The snare track is badly done though.
Is it me or is the bass guitar totally missing from the mix most of the time(except the truth)?
I suppose reverb hasn't been added to the voice?
The kick drum is well done though.
hey there :)

Yeah, "Let The Music Play" is recorded straight from the jamming studio, not recording studio. It is recorded using a Zen Vision:M player.

I agree with you that the snares are a tad too loud, which is why we have to go back to redo the mix with the studio dudes (who are a bunch of cool people!!). We probably need about 1 or 2 session of fine tuning to get the stuffs properly done up. So for now, everything is still raw.

Hehe. Any comments on the songs?
The catchiest song is "Perfect Son"
The snare isn't loud, it's too muddy and lacks the attack and crisp of a snare.
Where did you record?
And mastering is adjusting the volume(and Fine-Tuning the frequency spectrums in greater detail) to match commercial mixes which are mastered "hot".
woah man.. thanks for the kind words :) we did the recording @ Blackisle Studio..

it is our band's virgin recording experience, so we are pretty much amateur..

you got any other place to recommend? we got a couple more songs to record as well.
theres something about the drums , sounds erm well hollow . and vocals , the volume of the mic could be increased . on a whole the songs are awesome