King Kong Jane + TypeWriter + Cheating Sons @ Blujaz Cafe (11th Oct)


New member
Wake us up when September ends, because we'll be back on stage in October!

Come 11th October (Mon), King Kong Jane will be performing at Blujaz Cafe for the very first time, along with the amazing TypeWriter and the up-and-coming Cheating Sons!

Admission is free and the night kicks off at 7.30pm, so tell all your friends and make a date with us for a night of booze and rock!

(Blujaz Cafe is located at 11 Bali Lane, and the bands will be performing on the 3rd floor)
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The gig takes place tomorrow night!

So end your Monday on an awesome note by coming down to BluJaz to check out 3 bands in 1 night!

Since it's a going to be a Monday, King Kong Jane will be playing this song for sure: