Kevin mathews at the esplanade concourse, 14/15 jan


New member
I will performing two sets at the Esplanade Concourse on 14 & 15 Jan 09

Times - 7.15pm to 7.45pm and 8.15pm to 8.45pm

Am trying to play as many songs as I can squeeze into these two hours (15 years of music!) - no repeats!

Hope to see ya!

nice - will pop by from work on my way to mygig - can catch at least your first set bro

B.A.L :mrgreen:
Soulait -

what do you think of the timing of these shows?
7.15pm is still working hours for so many people I know in this fine town
or is it just me. missed Pat Chng's sets as a result.
better luck w/ the rest in this series yours, Zack Yusof (tonight/tues) and Adrian Rocket Scientist Bestium (soon)

keep it popping
yeah taj

i'm taking leave to attend my own show :)

like u sed...

8.00 to 9.00 straight might have been more preferable

love Peter Panic btw
Okay, boys and girls, the gig is tonight at 7.15pm onwards


tomorrow night from 7.15pm if you prefer

will be performing almost 30 songs over two nights, mostly originals of course :)

also there will be a little surprise for the 2nd set tonight at 8.15pm

Hope to see you there!

Come and say hi!
