US Studios. Seemingly unknown, along joo chiat road. near katong mall. EXTREMELY awesome drums. I cant remember clearly but i believe its a Pearl Master's series set. i THINK. but may not be because very few people in their right minds would use a masters series kit for a jamming studio. but its awesome. everything is tuned to perfection by the owner of the studio who is a professional drummer..
actually its a PDP LX maple kit... not exactly DW, but its a smaller branch by DW that produces cheaper (but still pretty awesome) kits. If i'm not mistaken PDP is made in mexico, DW's SUPPOSEDLY in US, but of course with outsourcing and all that what not I won't be surprised if some parts are made in mexico too.
to ts.. if your bandmate's looking for something's that like the "industry standard" kind of drumset, he could probably look at the yamaha stage customs. pretty solid stuff for the price.